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Abholung bei 1e Leeghwaterstraat 18 verfügbar
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3 in 1 - Rain jacket
outer jacket
Three variants in one. With the 3 in 1 - rain jacket the little ones are optimally equipped for warmer and colder rainy days. The cuddly soft fleece inner jacket is easy to separate from the outer rain jacket and can also be worn separately. Both jackets are connected by zippers. If the hood is not needed, it can be easily removed. Our rainwear has been tested by the Hohenstein Institute and has been awarded the label Geprufte Kinderbekleidung - test no. 16.0.84150.
Note: jas valt erg groot
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Maten: Maat 92
Abholung verfügbar, gewöhnlich fertig in 24 stunden
1e Leeghwaterstraat 18
Czaar Peter Kwartier
1018RC Amsterdam